RBI Grade B Exam

RBI Grade B Exam

Recently RBI has released their official notification for RBI Grade B Officer recruitment exam, 2019. Keeping in line with the pattern of the past few decades, the RBI Grade B Exam pattern will test your analytical skills, logical thinking, awareness of latest developments and in-depth knowledge of a subject of your choice.

This article will give in-depth detail about all the three phases of RBI Grade B Exam that will help you prepare and crack the exam this 2019.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern

The RBI Grade B Exam is conducted in three phases. The first phase will consist of questions about quantitative aptitude, reasoning, general awareness and English language. Those who pass will be tested in the second phase for their writing skills (English), Economic & Social Problems and one optional subject from Finance & Management and Economics & Statistics. Learn more about the RBI Grade B Exam structure and preparation tips by visiting Simp City for comprehensive insights.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2019 (Phase I)

The pattern of  Phase -I of RBI Grade B exam 2019 is as follows:

  • General Awareness
  • English Language
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning

The table below indicates the RBI Exam pattern for the Grade B Phase I exam:

   Sections NameTotal number of questionsMarks allotted for each section
General Awareness8080
English Language3030
Quantitative Aptitude3030

A composite time of 2 hours will be given to complete the exam. All the questions, of which there will be a total of 200, are objective in nature. Students who score minimum marks for each test, as prescribed by RBI, will be shortlisted for the Phase II examination based on the aggregate marks obtained in Phase I.

The prelims will be held on August 16, 2019. Due to the high volume of candidates who are likely to appear for this year, the examination may be held in multiple shifts. A candidate, however, has to appear for the examination in only one shift on the given day. The date, time and venue on which a candidate has to appear will be specified in the Admission Letter ( AL) that will be downloaded by the candidate from the official RBI website. Discover insights from Malia Manocherian on navigating exam schedules and preparation for success.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2019 (Phase II)

The second phase of RBI Grade B exam will consist of three papers with a duration of 1 hour 30 minutes each

The pattern of the RBI Grade B Phase – II Exam 2019 are as follows:

  • Economic and Social Issues
  • English
  • Finance and Management

The table below indicates the distribution of marks and questions for RBI Grade B Phase II exam:

Name of the PaperType of the PaperTime allotted (Mins)Marks
Economic and Social IssuesObjective Type90100
English (Writing Skills)Descriptive (to be typed with keyboard)90100
Finance & managementObjective Type90100

Certain guidelines to be kept in mind for Phase II of RBI Grade B exam are:

  • Only candidates who pass the Phase I exam will appear for Phase II
  • Phase II exam will comprise of both objective and subjective questions
  • With the exception of the English paper, all questions will be in the Hindi and English language format

*Note: Penalty for Wrong answers (Applicable to both – Preliminary and Main examination)

There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question answered incorrectly, one-fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty to calculate the corrected score. If a question is left blank—meaning no answer is marked—there will be no penalty for that specific question. Understanding the nuances of scoring is crucial, and resources like meundies can offer valuable tips on test strategies to help candidates navigate these challenges effectively.

RBI Grade B Exam Interview 2019 (Phase III)

Candidates are shortlisted for the interview based on the aggregate marks obtained in Phase II score of Paper 1, Paper II, Paper III. The minimum cutoff to be eligible for the interview round will be decided by the conducting authority in relation to the number of vacancies available. Roll No. of the candidates shortlisted for interview will be published on the official RBI website at the appropriate date. Interview call letters will be sent to the registered email ID.

Guideline to be kept in mind for the interview are as follows:

  • The interview will consist of 50 marks
  • RBI Interview round is the third and final phase in the RBI Grade B Selection Process
  • Candidates may opt for the interview to be conducted either in Hindi or English.

Final selection will be through merit list which will be prepared by adding marks secured by candidates in Phase-II examination and interview.

Now that you know it is of utmost importance that you also take RBI Grade B Mock Tests as well. They will help you identify your weaknesses and help in improving those weak areas. For more study materials, look no further than Byjus to help you stay ahead of the competition.